Hello. I’ve created array of LinearColor and set some default values in it. Now in Event Begin Play it’s lenght is always different and have a huge number. Why?
This is not my case. I have random length, but always a huge 10-digit number (or so), even if I have only 1 item in array.
And I need my default values, so I can’t clear it.
I was having a problem where my array would fill up on a play test, and not empty after exiting play. Then, it would fill up even more when I hit play again. It would do this non-stop.
Try Clearing your array shortly after Event Begin Play.
I’ve always got wrong array length too.
Try clearing it and then manually set your default values with nodes just to see what happens.
Of course it will work. I’m just wondering why default values is not ready on the moment when game begins.