Hi , when I play an equip animation, the animation is interrupt by the default state for 0.1 seconds and it’s look like the mesh flash and I don’t know how to fix it can someone help me !
Is your equip animation a part of the same state machine as your default state? If so, it could be that the transition rules allow the states to jump back and forth, causing the flash.
It would help if you provided more information and images about how you are handling the animations.
Assuming you are using a state machine for transitioning between Default<->Equip, look at the state machine during runtime and see if it is jumping between the states unexpectedly. If that’s the case, you probably need to change the transition rules.
The transition between the two state is executing during the equip animation not before and I don’t know how to do the switch before
It’s a bit hard to understand just from a text explanation. It would help a lot if you took a screenshot of your state machine and showed us the conditions inside the transition rules.
I solved the problem, I play a node " play montage" and the anim montage I put blend in and blend out time to 0