I have been working on trying to run a dedicated server with ShooterGame. So far I have determined I had to get the source version of the engine from git, I had to build and package the game, all of which took hours. I have to say I am really unhappy with the amount of time this all took just to run the server.
All that effort aside, the server is now running without error, but it will not show up in the client server browser. Per these instructions:
I have put the executables in the “<cooked>/<platform>/<game>/binaries/<platform>” directory and they run without error. I think maybe the server and/or client do not have the right Steam AppID since I know that needs to be changed in to 480 to get this to work in the development environment. However, when I try to set that using the Steam_AppID.txt file in the executable directory, running either the client or server just deletes the Steam_AppID.txt file!
Hi shawn, I am also working on dedicated server. We have created dedicated server exe from the same link for our game and we are able to connect and join the session by running command ~“open” on client and it works. We cannot find console on dedicated server to put commands for pausing, kicking players etc. We also need to let the host to change the map or load new specific map after time has ended or rounds have ended. also let users create one server session and ask their friends to connect in it.
Thank you for this reply. There seems to be a lack of information about the Shootergame dedicated server and how to use it. Of course, I don’t care about Shootergame, but I do plan to base our game on Shootergame, so that is where this comes in, I don’t want to duplicate too much work, but I don’t want to go down this path if it won’t work.
Has anyone worked with the Shootergame dedicated server?
Do you have to join by open command or is there a way for this to work in the browser in ShooterGame? Why not?
Is there a way to build it without downloading and spending hours building using the source version of Unreal? That seems unnecessary just to change or build the server…
You can check out the youtube playlist here as someone sets up a shootergame dedicated server. There are a few other videos on youtube that show setting up a dedicated server.
I can’t remember if the youtube playlist shows how to connect to the server in ShooterGame. In my own personal game that I was working on, I had to use this wiki. All I had to do was add that code in my solution as well as use the code in the pull request (which still isn’t in the normal source code for some reason) and make sure that the custom GameSession I created was being used and I was able to find the server.
The answer to your last question is unfortunately no. However, if you just want to test it on your local machine without having to build and deploy for every test, try using this wiki. You just create batch files that open up UE4 specifically for clients and a server. I changed my client batch file a bit for my game since the client would do the search for the server. I just didn’t add the IP address in the command line. One downside to this is that you cannot test this with Steam. But to be honest, Steam Integration should be one of the last steps in your development.