DEDICATED SERVER: Warning accessed none trying to read property! But where? Resource request to view errors from actors on server in "Event Log"

When event errors like this happen on the dedicated server, they don’t show up in the event log in the editor, it just shows on the server terminal, the problem is that on the server terminal I can’t locate where the event error came from.

That is in your ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint, attached to a Return node in a function called by ReceivedBeginPlay (or, maybe it’s in the Return node in ReceivedBeginPlay)

But I have thousands of events followed by event begin play, impossible to find only with this reference.

ThirdPersonCharacter calls thousands of functions in it’s ReceivedBeginPlay ? what even is ReceivedBeginPlay?

ReceiveBeginPlay is the underlying c++ name for blueprint event BeginPlay.

The error comes from something trying to access the return pin of a function called Create, which is null.
Trying to create a widget on dedicated server maybe?

It is a system to add weapon to character, set owner variable as character and character variable weapon as new weapon. the reverse will set both to null, I used “cast to” prevent insecure access and bugs, the code works perfectly, but with these null access warnings it creates a potential bug risk that I didn’t notice, I needed to find the error of the server in the blueprint Event log.
