Dedicated Server Replication

recently i have been trying to setup a server to which i want to connect with several clients (just a basic multiplayer game). I have a little experience with doing peer to peer multiplayer via steam, with a collectible card game i programmed.
Now i want to take things a step further by running a turnbased game on a dedicated server. On short term i just want to host a server locally an playtest with my fellow devs by using hamachi. Later on when testing with players becoms important i want to switch the server to aws.
So far i have been able to host a server locally and on aws and i was able to connect several clients to this server. I have used the third person template and the movement of the clients was replicated.

But for my turnbased game i want to send objects to the server or to my clients. So far with my game on steam i have been using the UFUNCTION(Client) / UFUNCTION(Server) flags.
So for testing purposes i wanted to host a server, connect with several clients to it and have the clients print screenmessages, to test if it works. Unfortunatly it didn’t.

My code so far:
In my gamemode i stored the connected playercontrollers to my networkmanager and ran the TestFunction().

void AGameModeIngame::PostLogin(APlayerController* NewPlayer) {
	if (ConnectedPlayers == 1) {
		UNetworkManager::GetNetworkManager()->World = GetWorld();
		if (UKismetSystemLibrary::IsServer(NewPlayer)) {
		else {
	else if (ConnectedPlayers == 2) {
	else {

My networkmanager is a singleton which stores the connected playercontrollers and calls the functions to test the replication.
UNetworkManager* UNetworkManager::Instance;

UNetworkManager::UNetworkManager() {}

UNetworkManager* UNetworkManager::GetNetworkManager()
	if (!Instance) {
		Instance = NewObject<UNetworkManager>();
		//this statement ensures that the Class is never garbage collected away.
		//another option would be to declare instance as an UProperty, which is impossible for static variables,
		//or to permanently store a pointer to it in Gamestate or a similar class.
	return Instance;

void UNetworkManager::AddClientController(APlayerController* _client)

void UNetworkManager::AddHostController(APlayerController* _client)
	Host = _client;

void UNetworkManager::TestFunction()
	World->GetGameState()->GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(FTestHandle, this, &UNetworkManager::TestFunction, 2.0f, true, 2.0f);
	for (APlayerController* Client : Clients) {
	if (Host) {

Finally on my playercontrollers i just run the functions to print to screen.
void APlayerControllerTest::Server_TestNetworkz_Implementation()
GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10, FColor::Red, FString(“Testing the Server to Check if it Works”));

void APlayerControllerTest::Client_TestNetworkz_Implementation() 
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10, FColor::Red, FString("Testing the Server to Check if it Works"));

bool APlayerControllerTest::Client_TestNetworkz_Validate()
	return true;

bool APlayerControllerTest::Server_TestNetworkz_Validate()
	return true;

My playercontroller.h :

	UFUNCTION(Client, reliable, withvalidation)
		void Client_TestNetworkz();
		bool Client_TestNetworkz_Validate();
	UFUNCTION(Server, reliable)
		void Server_TestNetworkz();
		bool Server_TestNetworkz_Validate();

I hope you guys can tell me what i am doing wrong or if i have the wrong angle to what i want to do.
