Hi, I am creating a Dedicated server using source 4.18, I can compile the server and connect to it, however I keep getting the same two errors:
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: AutoLogin missing AUTH_LOGIN= ( I’m not using steam)
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: No game present to join for session (GameSession)
How could I go about fixing this?
Thanks for your time,
BTW using blueprints however I have a dummy C++ class to compile with Visual Studio 2015
So i have been messing with this issue for the last few days and i have solved it. (Advanced Sessions Plugin)
In my Game Instance i use the Event Init to check if the server is dedicated
And in Search Advanced Session i just set the result to only search dedicated.
I closed steam, Started my Dedicated Server naturally there were errors about steam and client server being on the same machine. Howerver
And when i loaded my game and went to the browser it was there. (started Standalone from editor)