Dedicated Server Network

Is there a way to build a dedicated server without the native networking solution? it sounds dumb, but I want to make a c++ network using websockets that will communicate with the client, and also the engine. I do not want to make a custom network that will be 100% custom because that is too hard, it needs to use the engine but also be completely headless, how would I accomplish this? I don’t know if I should build out the engine like a psuedo dedicated server(remove the graphics/make purely a simulation etc), or remove the network from the dedicated server build. either way I have no idea how to do either.

this comment on another post is basically what im trying to do - “Servers are a can of worms in itself. Frostgiant the new studio from ex blizzard employees basically said in one of their last interviews that they decided to roll their own client server networking because unreal’s woudn’t cut it for an RTS. It’s basically only built for smaller scale fps / third person games.”