Hi guys, i don’t want to look like a spam
but I put this question in answershub Dedicated Server Management Tool? - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums and i dont have answer. Maybe more pepople can see it here,
I want to know if exist some management/monitor tool solution, or something like that, for ue4 dedicated server. Suppose that I going to host and run one dedicated server instance in AWS, for example. Now, I want to have some way to management/monitor that dedicated server instance, see the logs in realtime, stop, restart that process, maybe get the list of all the connected players etc . . .
For example, my first experience with multiplayer games server was with Smart Fox Server (a long time ago), and that server has a great webadmin tool with a lot of options to management and monitor the server.
So my question is: Exist something like that for unreal engine dedicated server ? from epic or a third party solution ?
Will be great if Epic guys share at least in general, how they management and monitor the dedicated server instance in Fortnite, or Paragon or Gear of War. I know that it is too much ask
but will be great if you guys can share at least some tips on this.
PD: Sorry for my english.
Best regards
someon, please … I really need at least one direction
We’re running a dedicated server to test our game. Aside from the server window itself, which shows log messages in real time, we are not aware of a separate program that allows you to manage the server.
If you do find such a thing, please shout it from the rooftops ! 
For lack of understanding how dedicated servers are intended to be managed, I ended up making my own system to manage instances almost entirely from blueprints. It’s all very specific to my project but the basic principles could work for others.
Assuming you’ve packaged your game and built your standalone dedicated server. I made a custom blueprint node that launches a new dedicated server on a new port using FCreateProcess. The first server started on port 7777 acts as the master server and all clients initially join it. Master server maintains a list of players and their requested game settings. It periodically scans the players list and if enough players with similar settings are found for a game, it launches a new instance of the dedicated server on a game map. Master server tells clients to open the new port and map. The new server knows it’s a game server and loads an array of expected players and settings (just from a txt file for now). Once all expected players have joined the game begins and when the game ends the game server sends the clients back to the master and shuts itself down. I have to do a few basic things that I don’t know how yet like how to get the opened port when a game server closes and pass a dynamic port to the game server (right now I use 7778 in the launch command so I can only have one instance running). Regardless it works quite well so far and I can manage it all in my gamemode blueprint. You can setup your logic to create matches based on whatever you want.
When done I should be able to run as many dedicated server instances as my system will handle. My goal is 20 simultaneous games each with 2-6 players all managed by the initial master server. An instance of my dedicated server only uses 100mb of ram but my game is exceptionally simple.
Anyway thought this might give you a direction if you wanted to set up your own system, but it’s very basic and feels like a bit of a workaround until I find a better way.
Hi Death of an! Thanks to your kind thread, i have successfully studied on the dedicated server build. First of all, I would like to say thank you. The reasons for writing this thread are no different. I would like to implement a function to send and receive from the client and dedicated server beyond the basic dedicated server build. If you know anything about dedicated server programming, I would like to ask you for your advice. Document link, thread is also welcome.
Thank you for reading!