Dedicated server log spam

I’m implementing dedicated server support for my game.

One thing I find a little strange/confusing, it that on my enemy pawns I trigger AnimNotifies during some of their animations. Each time this happens, I get an entry in the server log saying:

(Actor): PlayParticleEffect on dedicated server!

Looking at the function that is logging this (in Actor.uc), it doesn’t seem to be doing anything. I also don’t know whether this is a warning of something bad, or just logging code that was accidentally left in by Epic:

* Called by AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect
* Looks for a socket name first then bone name
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect which will have all of the various params on it
* @return bool true if the particle effect was played, false if not;
event bool PlayParticleEffect( const AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect AnimNotifyData )
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer)
`Log("(Actor): PlayParticleEffect on dedicated server!");
return true;
return false;

Is this implying that the dedicated server is actually running these particle effects? I would have thought that particles would be disabled for dedicated servers…

Any ideas?