I have upgraded my game from 4.17 to 4.18 and fixed the server errors and destructible plugin.
The game compiles fine in the Unreal Editor, and I build the dedicated server in Visual Studio with no errors. When I run the dedicated server map which I copied to the Binaries/Win64 in the build folder, I’m getting the error shown in the attachment. I’ve never experienced such an error after upgrading.
I am compiling using “Development Server” in Visual Studio. I am having a doubt about a file I have changed after upgrading to 4.18 “Server.Target.cs”. I had to change all the Target.cs files and the Build.cs file in order to build in 4.18
Here is the code for the “Server.Target.cs” file:
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class UE4GameServerTarget : TargetRules
public UE4GameServerTarget(TargetInfo Target) : base (Target)
Type = TargetType.Server;
What exactly can I do in order to get a detailed log?
Yes of course, I was able to find the exact error by adding the “.pdb” file that is generated with the server build.
So when you copy your “GameNameServer.exe” copy also the “GameNameServer.pdb” with it to the “Win64” folder of your build.
That way you will be able to get a log with detailed error messages for you to find your problem and fix it.
Bro! I am getting the same thing! But I noticed that you TOO have the GameLiftSDK plugin installed. I just added the GameLiftSDK plugin to my dedicated server and I’m getting the following ever since I tried loading the module within my source code using
@SyedAman do copy the “.pdb” file that is generated with the “GameServer.exe” to ur server build (or alternatively u could use UnrealFrontend to build the server files), that way u’d get a detailed error message which will explain where your problem is.
P.S.: do use the UnrealFrontend of the source code and not the editor one, or else u will get errors while building the server!