Dedicated multiplayer tutorials


Before all, sorry for everybody who will read my message, I’m french, and my english is not really good.

So, actually I’m creating a little game in solo, at this point, I have no problems with my solo game.
The thing is, I followed the Unreal Engine tutorial on how to make a Dedicated Server (…dows_%26_Linux ).
I have done this tutorial, and it works great.

But, I really need some “easy” tutorials in order to make a multiplayer game. Actually, I just want to make a login system, where you can write a username, click login, and then you are in game with the username picked (with a little verification to see if the username isn’t already playing). But ! I want to make an account system in game, if you enter the username “Admin” you will be playing with the admin account, but I don’t want password system or MySQL system. Sorry I want it, but I think I’m able to make a PHP/MySQL login system if I have already a little username system.

As I said, I’m at the end of the dedicated server tutorial. My connection system is like the tutorial (see the image).

I have trryed adding a menu, adding a textbox, and do a OnTextCommited event, but I have an error when I draw the HUD (look the 3 others screens), it says “Access none trying to read property CallFunc_Create_ReturnValue”. I know this is not the best way to do it, but this should works no ?

I don’t really understand how the multiplayer works, and as I said before, my english is not really good, so I can follow an english tutorial, but I don’t really understand what the guy is doing, this is why I post this message, if someone know good and “easy” tutorials for an english noob like me.

Thank you, and an other sorry for my english :confused: