Dedicated linux server segmentation fault


I’ve cross-compiled from windows a Linux server for my game. I ran it on a local VM and it ran fine, just like the windows version, I can connect and everything is working properly.

i’ve then transfered the files to a google instance, running the same OS (ubuntu 15), and when trying to run it there, I get a “Segmentation fault (core dumped)”. I’m running a 4 core 15gb instance, so I don’t think it’s anything related to shortage of memory, but I’m getting this message everytime I try to run my server, I don’t have any other message or log, even with running -log.

How can I find what is causing the segfault? Why is it doing this on the google’s server, but not my local VM? only difference is on my local VM I have visual access while on google I only have ssh

Hey Esteves-

Could you post the callstack associated with the segmentation fault? Additionally, can you make sure that all the files together with your permissions are set up exactly the same way on both machines, it’s possible the server cannot find a certain file or cannot open it due to incorrect permissions. Any other information you can provide will help investigate the crash.

Hi ,

I found out the issue, it was the permissions of the user, I didn’t had and write permissions on the entire folder

Thank you !