I’m somewhat still new to blueprint, and was curious how I’d set up my sidescroller character to inherit faster or slower falling speeds at the press of a button. Like say, holding Q makes them fall slower, almost levitate, and holding E makes them hit the ground quicker. Any ideas?
Use a float value to multiply the forward vector of your character movement. For instance, if you want them to move at half speed use .5, if double use 2.0, etc.
Could you perhaps display that? I’m still somewhat new to the blueprint language, as in what nodes to use per se. Something I didn’t bring up was holding Q makes the character jump higher than normal, and I want them to drop slower, almost to a hover slowly down, whereas my E button makes the player jump incredibly low, and I was curious how to increase its gravity to pull the player down quickly.
Wouldn’t it be better to modify the falling speed or the gravity? Changing those vues of the charactermovementcomponent.
The issue is, the character is simulating magnetism. Pressing Q initiates positive electricity, making the character jump higher and fall slower, and E generates negative electricity, making the character jump lower and fall faster. Not pressing any buttons defaults the player to the normal jump height and drop velocity, but I need to be able to control the falling speed on those two custom qualities.
Modifying gravity CAN work, but it can negatively impact other areas of play as well. I am trying to find a concise way to modify the fallspeed of the character but it may be worthwhile checking on the forums as well. They might have a better answer for long term viability.
You can use GetCharacterMovement()->GravityScale= 10.f if you want to fall heavy and to a value of 0.1 for floating simply