Hi everyone,
When running in fixed frame-rate mode, is there a limit to how small DeltaTime can be (or in other words, how large the constant frame-rate can be) ? I’m trying to set the frame-rate to a very large number and it always sets it to 2000 instead (I get DeltaTime = 0.0005 but I’m trying to set it to a much smaller value).
Is there a way to remove this limit ?
I’m working on a simulator based on Unreal and I’m trying to compute some temporal effect very accurately just to estimate my error when running with higher DelatTime (lower frame-rate). This is not just for the Physics, I also need to perform line traces and calculate collisions in this short time intervals.
It works ! Thanks !
It still requires me to make some changes to my C++ code.
An easier solution would be to just remove this limit on DeltaTime. Is there an option to change this in project settings ?
It seems the reason for this limitation is related to the fact the Unreal physics works with floats. It is meant to avoid situations where you add two floating-point number with more that 6 orders of magnitude difference, in which case, the roundoff error will be too large. For example. if delta_t=1e-6, even at high speeds like 100 Km/h, the change in position would be so small (<1e-6 cm) that a position (x,y,z)=(10000 cm, 0, 0) will accumulate a large error when update. If I’m not mistaken, when the difference is 8 orders of magnitude, the position will not be updated at all.