Declare the async task as a member of the owner type.

Unreal editor v. 5.0.3
I m trying to repeat an asynchronous task like in the example: Multithreading
If I use creating task in BeginPlay:
void AMyAsyncActor::BeginPlay()

FAsyncTask<FMyTask>* newTask = new FAsyncTask<FMyTask>();


it works.

If i try to declare the task as a member of the owner type:
// Sets default values for this actor’s properties
FAsyncTask* newTask;

in *.h file i have error:
Error C2065 ‘FMyTask’: undeclared identifier;
Error C2955 ‘FAsyncTask’: use of class template requires template argument list

How to properly declare a new task?

is FMyTask declared in the same file? If not you need to include it in the cpp and forward declare it in the header.

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