I’m having a strange problem. When I go to enter a number in a field, such as the X, Y, Z dimensions of a BSP brush it will display a number slightly off from what I entered. For example, I enter “79.2” into the X size field of a cube brush. What actually displays afterward is “79.199997”. Anyone else experience this? Any ideas on a fix?
There are technical reasons for this, which boil down to the way computers in general handle floating point numbers. This is a fairly deep subject (read Float Precision–From Zero to 100+ Digits | Random ASCII – tech blog of Bruce Dawson if you’re interested).
It should however be possible to fix this, although in a purely cosmetic kind of way, but that hasn’t happened yet, probably because it doesn’t really matter in the end.
As you’ve probably already realized, the difference between 79.2 and 79.199997 is negligible. When operating with the conventional assumption that 1 unit = 1 cm, the real discrepancy in your example is 3 millionths of a centimeter.