I have a setup in which I kill an NPC and it respawns at a spawn point. Code works great if I move the spawn point manually to a vector, also works at 0,0,0. but if I type in a number for the vector (-7500, -7500, 0 for instance), I get all sorts of errors based around ‘Pending kill’. Is this a bug? Or is UE4 somehow transposing these values to an int value instead of a float? So confused
Also, not sure if it is the same issue, not getting the errors, but if I add anything to the z vector, it spawns in the air, falls to the ground, but then my behavior tree doesn’t work properly, won’t set max speed to enable walking. I would prefer everything to spawn in the air to avoid collision issues. I know I can do a ray trace to the ground but was trying to avoid that.
In the image, if the spawn point is not at ground level, pawn doesn’t move