Decimal precision on vectors effecting spawn?

I have a setup in which I kill an NPC and it respawns at a spawn point. Code works great if I move the spawn point manually to a vector, also works at 0,0,0. but if I type in a number for the vector (-7500, -7500, 0 for instance), I get all sorts of errors based around ‘Pending kill’. Is this a bug? Or is UE4 somehow transposing these values to an int value instead of a float? So confused

Also, not sure if it is the same issue, not getting the errors, but if I add anything to the z vector, it spawns in the air, falls to the ground, but then my behavior tree doesn’t work properly, won’t set max speed to enable walking. I would prefer everything to spawn in the air to avoid collision issues. I know I can do a ray trace to the ground but was trying to avoid that.

In the image, if the spawn point is not at ground level, pawn doesn’t move

Hi! Can you share some example code? Also check Kill Z prop in the World settings, because actor that is out of some volume in the scene is marked as pending to kill. You can see it here AActor::CheckStillInWorld

Added the code for the spawn. I checked the Kill Z settings and they are at the default “-1048575.0”.

You can check all the values with PrintString, perhaps some of the vars take uninit value… I’ve just checked similar case on 4.23, nothing special. And also you can test this code separated from NPC respawning logic… It all that I can think of…