Decal color is fading out on edges


I’m currently trying to do simple things with decals, like drawing a long line across a terrain, but I’m facing a behavior I can’t understand, as shown on the screenshot below.

On the right and left edge, we can see the red color fading out, for no reason. The Decal Material I’m using is also a very simple one, with just a full red color and an opacity of 1.

I tried the 3 possible blend modes for deferred decals, no significant changes (AlphaComposite is a bit better only) .
Any idea why it’s not showing full red on the first screenshot ?

How does this make a line? I get

Did you just scale the decal in the map? Even if I do that, I get

Thanks for your reply !
I indeed scale it to have the line.

After several tests, I found that I have this problem when I’m setting this decal as a child of another actor (same problem with DecalComponent) which rotates (even if I set the attachment rules to KeepWorld when attaching it in C++).
By manually detaching it and forcing its rotation to (0,90,0), I have the same results as you !

Now I need to find why my AttachmentTransformRules are not working (or if there’s a problem with my rotations) :sweat_smile:

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It was indeed wrong rotations, because my decal was following its parent actor rotations.
After some fixes, it works like a charm.

My bad ^^’

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