Debugging issues and doubles?

Ok so I have an issue with the debug filter and that problem is that I can not choose the object i need the debugging on because it is spawned in by the player start. I can get the character into the filter if I drag the characters blueprint to the world but then everything is doubled because now there is technically two of them. So please help me fine people of the UE forums.3cece6d13d980ad07b9cb7d648f4b99e31866659.jpeg

When Play begins, eject from your Character using the Eject button or by pressing F8. You will now be in the Editor view mode and can navigate to your CharacterBP and then should be able to select the spawned actor to begin Debugging.

IS there a way to have a reference to the character with out having to start the game?

No, when the game starts is when your Character is created. Unless it is part of the Level itself like how you described that it would only work when you Drag and Dropped the Character into your Scene.

Thats a shame however I will make due. Thank you for your assistance.