Hi, I’m creating blueprint widgets for unreal editor and I have to debug them. Breakpoints do not seem to work with them. I can use Print String, so that makes good log entries, but I really need a way to stop the code at points and see what it’s doing to the level. I thought maybe the Delay node would help but that also doesn’t work. I think these things only work in PIE mode, but these tools are only for use in the editor. Any ideas?
I found a method that worked for awhile but seems to have stopped working for me. You can try it and see if it still works for you. Just simulate a game (ALT+S) in the background while debugging your widget.
I second this request: how ARE you supposed to debug these?
FlyingFree, I tried your suggestion but it didn’t work for me… can’t run import scripts while the game is running.
To debug, I am now just using the console w Print String nodes, along with DrawDebugBox / point / line nodes also. It’s a mess but does work better than breakpoints in some ways. It still doesn’t offer a way to actually stop or delay the script at certain points, which I really wanted. Delay nodes only work during gameplay. However you can set custom durations for the Draw Shape nodes which can help see the order of things.