DebugDrawHistoryLocation rendering is broken

I’m drawing a graph in front of the camera using DebugDrawHistoryLocation. (using camera location and rotation to determine a location in front of the camera).

Some blueprint snippets:


However it only draws correctly when the camera’s facing along the negative X axis, It stops drawing entirely when the camera is pointed far enough away from the negative X axis (maybe > 45 degrees?). When it does draw, drawing is more broken the further off-axis you’re facing.

I’m also drawing a text string printing out the camera forward vector - that works fine in all camera directions.

This is the best case - when facing the negative X - the graph looks least-broken:

Looking more off-axis - the graph becomes “stepped” rather than being rendered on a flat plane facing the camera:

It looks like the generated geometry for the graph is on the YZ plane, with “steps” in it, rather than on a flat plane facing the camera. Can anyone think of why this might be happening or how to fix this?

(Using the Transform version of DebugDrawHistory is similarly broken)


It is a problem that only affects DebugDrawMesh (DebugDrawLine, text, point work fine) when you’re far from the world origin.