Is there a way to debug display a list of currently active particle emitters? Or just spawners in general? I’m sure I’m missing the ideal debugging workflow, but if I take over a scene with a bunch of temp designer work, what is the recommended approach to take to figure out what is currently active in the scene (if I can’t just approach the designer).
Ideally, there would be a way to print all currently active effects in the scene, at a minimum.
Assuming you know your way around UE4 a little, my advice would be to add a routine to whatever object’s activity you’d like to monitor, in which you check your very own bIWantToSeeThisObjectsActivityWithoutAnyHassle. If it’s true, add a reference to this object to a list of object references (possibly contained by it’s very own actor, AEyeOfTheBeholder),
that interfaces with a specialized, temporary user interface that’s able to list variables. This advice is very pseudo and even more meta so you might just want to wait for someone to pop by with a better, simpler advice :3
Yea, a pre-conceived setup like this would be ideal if I were the one setting them up. I’m hoping for more of a “I’ve taken over this scene from someone else and have no idea what they’ve done” approach - all the general joys of working with distributed teams.