Debug Sphere / Debug draw rendering very strangely

I’m trying to debug some traces with debug spheres but they seem to not render everywhere.

This is in a clean Third Person Project. UE 5.3.

  • I’ve also tested it in a clean First Person Project.
  • It does not happen if I run in a stand-alone window. Only in current viewport.

Is there any way to fix this?

In the picture I’ve cranked the number of spheres way up but it always happens.


There’s also a problem with line traces. If think we just have to wait for the hotfix…

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I have the same problem. happen only in 5.3

Yeah! Exactly my same problem! I think it was my mistake

Is it ok now in 5.3.1?

Yes, I was following same stuff. And 5.3.1 fixes this issue.


as @Anshul134 says, UE5.3.1 solves this issue! check this out! :smiley:

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