Debug lines / spheres do not render in half of the screen

Title its pretty self explanatory. I am drawing a sphere from mouse position coded like this

void ASTank::MouseTrace() const
	if (PlayerControllerRef)
		FHitResult HitResult;
		DrawDebugSphere(GetWorld(), HitResult.Location, 50.0f, 12, FColor::Green, false, -1.0f);

But the sphere is never seen on the left half of the screen. It happens also with debug lines. I dont know if its a known bug of UE5.3 or some setting I am forgetting… Here some images to ilustrate what I mean. Thanks in advance.

Im sorry, this issue is subject on another post, and I didnt look enough. Im deeply sorry, Im linking the original post, but seems its an issue in UE 5.3 version

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