Debug editor failed with vscode in ubuntu and lldm

I successfully install the Ubuntu version of the unreal editor and change the default editor to vscode. After that, I want to start from vscode but not UE4Editor to compile and run the code in order to debug the code and get the values of the variable.

If I switch to DebugEditor(Development), I can successfully launch the editor and get the program stop at the breakpoint’s location in my vscode. But it took me a lot of time to start the editor from the origin. So I was wondering if there are some ways to attach the process to an existing editor instance. I was doing this successfully in windows with visual studio 2017.

The problem is that when I create a new entry in lauch.json and hit run, the UE4Editor crashed suddenly after the code compile.

Are there any solutions to that or have anyone succeeded to do that? It will be awesome to debug the code and get the values of variables in vscode on ubuntu.