i have a trigger volume covering an area, this should be the trap area
what i want is to damage the npc´s in that trigger area only after another trigger is activated (like a switch, the player has to activate to spawn fire in that area for an amount of time)
this works only when npc´s are not already in the trigger area, but walking in.
The npc´s that are already in the trigger volume are not damaged when i activate the second trigger, tho they should get damaged too
i guess actor begin overlap for the trap area is not the right way but what could i else use for this?
BeginOverlap only triggers when the actors start to overlap, if they are spawned overlapping it will not get triggered.
Use “Is Overlapping Actor” in your event beginplay to verify if they started the game being overlapped by each other: Is Overlapping Actor | Unreal Engine Documentation
They are not spawned overlapping.
TriggerBox6 is spawning Fireparticles in the TriggerBox5-Volume when activated.
TriggerBox5 is the area in what the actors should take damage while inside this volume.
But my setup only damages actors that are walking into the volume, not actors that are already in.
I need to damage actors also that are already in the Triggerbox5, when triggering TriggerBox6.