Death Ragdoll not working

When the character dies stand freeze in place no Ragdoll or any animation happen.

I changed collision presets to ragdoll and I tried everything in the list still not working.

Any idea please?

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Hi @Alkaseeh!

That node named Enable Ragdoll is starting an event somewhere. Can you show us the event of Enable Ragdoll in blueprint on your BP Comabt Character?

As an aside, you may want to use Set Collision Enabled with your Capsule Collider and turn off the capsule collision. Then, if you need to, use another copy of that node on your skeletal mesh (so it collides). :slight_smile:

Hey again @Alkaseeh!

So can you explain what happens when you trigger “Performe Death”?

Does the enemy stand still? Do they fall down?

Ran into a similar issue. Had to set the physics asset override on the mesh, for some reason it wasn’t getting the default physics asset


Hey @Alkaseeh! Did you get it figured out? Did FardreamStudios’s solution work for you?
Let us know!

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