I was wondering how can I leave a dead body everytime my character dies. Like once respawned, the player will be able to see when he died. If he died 100 times, well there will be 100 dead bodies
I was wondering how can I leave a dead body everytime my character dies. Like once respawned, the player will be able to see when he died. If he died 100 times, well there will be 100 dead bodies
you store the transform of the player’s dying position into an array in a savegame for thr level.
everytime you open the level, you load the savegame and foreach loop the array and SpawnActorFromClass to set a dead body Mesh to the saved positions.
Hey there @VeteranNinja! Welcome back to the community! Patrick is correct as always, so I’m here to just drop off some resources for saving the game and loading the game, and some documentation!
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Yes! Thank you, you two it’s working!