Hi, im trying to achieve something in blueprint, working on a multiplayer project.
I already done everthing before the “die animation”. I just want when someone die, to keep the bodies on the ground and change the mesh into a ghost, i dont know how to achieve it.
Thanks for help.
you will basically want to have two meshes on your character when it spawns, one visible and one invisible and do the same for collision. then when the character dies and ragdolls or whatever detach the alive mesh from the character so it stays put and then toggle the vis and collision of the hidden mesh. those are the basics to it and there are many other ways to go about it.
another method you may want to look into that may be easier is to spawn in a new character when the player dies and just posses the new character. the posses node comes from the player controller.
at a high level… here’s how I’d approach it… when your ragdoll comes to rest:
- duplicate the skeletal mesh, this duplicate will be the dead body (remember to adjust the collision so that both skeletal meshes can occupy the same space)
- keep your ‘ghost’ character alive, but turn or interpolate the materials of your character to semi-transparent or shimmering or whatever effect with particles etc
- have your ‘ghost’ character get up (there are more than one YouTube tutorials on how this is done, transitioning from a ragdoll state to standing as usual)
Basically, to keep it simple, your character just falls down and gets up again… the materials give the impression of that it is a ghost… the body is simply a duplicate of your character as it lies there, just an empty shell that is never controlled at all
Thank you very much, ill try this tonight!
That’s the way i did it, and everything almost work, my only problem is collision, when i die, the other player stay stuck on me if he is close and i cant find the way to remove the collision but keep the landscape coll. any help would be appreciate