Please explain to me how component deactivation works?
I assumed that I can simply use Deactivate node and all the Events and functions inside the component (including the Event tick) will stop working
But I can’t get that effect. A try to use all nods that have “active” in name. But not one helped me. The only thing I could do was stop TickEvent, inside the component with SetComponentTickEnable.
I have a pretty simple test setup. I have test actor, and a test component with auto-active disabled. On Component EvetTick called PrintString. On Actor EventTick called function from the Сomponent. Function called another PrintString.
I want the Compoonent Event tick and Component Function to stop working 2 seconds after the BeginPlay.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to set bAutoActivate
to true.
The component can be started deactivated but with the tick enabled.
Hey @Fulezi , I am facing the exact same issue as OP here. I am not sure I understand the solution here. I have tried enabling Auto activate on the component attached to my actor. The component events still fire, even after explicitly deactivating in the begin play.
This is my test setup. Below is my actor component
And the BP_SelectableComponent
has the following event binding
The OnMouseClick
fires even when the component is deactivated in my actor. What am I doing wrong here?
Activate/Deactivate only enable/disable tick unless you override those functions in a native child class (in C++). The other events will still work if deactivated.
Hello @SilentGarud ,
Did you tried to deactivate the tick? UI component may have a different workflow.
Hey @Fulezi
Sorry for the late reply. Deactivating the tick just deactivates the tick event and doesn’t change anything else. In the past month, I have come to understand that the activation/deactivation of a component is a component specific implementation and can be a no-op for some components. In which case, I myself can add some logic to the activation/deactivation hooks. Which is what I am doing right now.