DDC cache usage through Amazon S3

We have a case when we intended to share the Editor cache through Amazon to all developers working on the project. I’ve found an example of DefaultEngine.ini configuration (as official documentation for shaders sharing provides scarce information) for that purpose (Fortnight example), but when I removing local caches it starts to compile the shaders rather than downloading them from Amazon (as I expected):

SharedS3=(Type=S3, Manifest="%GAMEDIR%Build/S3DDC.json", BaseUrl="https://our_DDC_LOCATION", Canary="Canary.txt", Region="us-central", EnvPathOverride=UE-S3DataCachePath)

If someone applied similar setup I’ll be appreciated to get the information in case if I missed something.
So, my main goal is to force engine to download the missing/needed shaders from some dedicated place (i.e Amazon) instead of compilation at own side.

From what I understand, UE checks which cache would be faster to access and picks the most efficient way to get the data. If it determines that a local build would be faster than transferring data from LAN or S3, then your experience is expected behaviour. However, I’m a little unclear how exactly UE determines the speed for accessing the network files, perhaps it just assumes “local drive” beats “LAN” beats “internet”