OK so the new bridging plugin for Daz Studio to send Genesis 3 and 8 character models has solved a few issues. Of note the strange shading issue at the under arm locations is gone as well handles applied morphs much better.
Better still
Auto material creation is handled much better as to material types. SSS and metal shaders work well and the fidelity issues greatly improved.
Now supports JCM post processing
I thought of mentioning this as in if you do use Daz Studio the the bridge is a must have as it officially adds Genesis 3 and 8 support to Unreal 4
I’ve only been testing the bridge out for a few days and so far does every thing I want it to do as far as maintaining fidelity of asset.
The interesting thing is once you install the plugin you have everything necessary to allow the bridge to generate matching materials so when it shows up in UE4 via the bridge the results look just like it does in DS. The only thing on my nit pick list is the hair shader could be improved and the bridge is yet to support dForce…yet.
Here is the thing now that Unreal 4 has “official” support for Genesis there are now two “free” options as to character actor development as well as asset creation suitable for both the Epic market place and Daz3d marketplace. With the addition of the bridges as a “it just works”, and your into DCC development as a product your market potential has just doubled
Of interest there is also a bridge for Blender, Maya, Max, Zbrush Hexagon 2, and Bryce
The red X’s say that the shape does not contine the required morphs What was key framed was the morph slot in Daz Studio so you have the key frame data just not the targets to match. You will need to export the targets using the rule set
So why are shapes being formed?
Genesis 3-8 supports both morphs and cluster shapes so if key framing using morphs and clusters are shaped at the same time so when exported you get 1 set for morphs and 1 set of key frames for the cluster shapes.
On my list of things to test but both cluster shaping and morphs work very well.