Title: Daviiken Portal Entrance
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content:
Unreal Engine
Epic Games
Quixel Bridge
- Niagara Particle System
- Unreal Engine 5.0.3
Title: Daviiken Portal Entrance
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content:
Unreal Engine
Epic Games
Quixel Bridge
love the atmosfere ! keep the good work
Thank you man I really appreciate it
Looks amazing. Been following on Facebook for a while now. Very impressive and can’t wait to try the game!
Glad you like it Avalong. That’s encourage me to keeping growing and put my best effort.
Me gusta el diseño de los portales
Vamo noma Eternal Guardian!!!
Thank you DreamVille77
I appreciate your comment and support Bro.
Not only do I think you can win every prize on here, I have already put some cash away for your release date. This game looks so exceptional, for a two man/woman team, I’m gonna buy everything Eternal Guardian
Gabriel you have been an exceptional supporter. Thanks for staying with us.
That’s amazing your skill are impressive! Very good Niagara Particle Effects. Wish you the best of luck.
I really appreciate your kind words. Thanks you!
Hey there @AGH_NAGGAR!
Hope you’re well.
What a beautiful scene. The particles and lighting create this wonderful magical effect that is just breathtaking. Brilliantly done and thanks so much for sharing!
Hey @PresumptivePanda, I really appreciate your kind words… Please see more of the developmenthttps://forums.unrealengine.com/t/eternal-guardian-forbidden-portals/778016?u=agh_naggar
Now that’s a portal I would go through !
Yeah! I encourage you to do it.!!
Excelente!!! Aprobado !!!
Muchas Gracias Bro!
really amazing agh! may i ask which fog do you use for the white one at 0.05?