DateTime Formatting issue after Saving

Hi there all,

I am trying to create a date and time system for my game. When I am trying to present the DateTime variable in the HUD view, it displays it “Jan 1,1” and not “Jan 1, 1950” Like I intended it to. This issue started when I implemented a save system. The variable types are all the same, but somewhere, somehow, the data makes itself so that it formats wrong. The kicker, the date and time are right and still tracking appropriately. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

somewhere, somehow, the data makes itself so that it formats wrong

Not sure what kind of help you need or expect since we see no offending script. This:

Produces this:


And you can always do your own custom formatting:

Forgot to do that. I have uploaded some photos.

There’s nothing that can be deducted from those…

Put breakpoints where it counts, step through the scirpt, print / observe data - see where things break.

Ok. I print to screen between all connections and they print to screen the same thing. I delete it all and start again. I think something go broken along the way. The process is the same as I have done before, so I think it just might be a bug I created.