Datasmith workflow for Lights

I am trying to improve my workflow for bringing projects from Revit into Unreal. Currently, with the Datasmith linking, the lights don’t come in a very usable format. My light fixture models are set up with IES files in Revit, but when they are imported in, the light elements themselves are not checked to use IES Intensity, and it is very time-consuming to click through each light individually and make that setting. Or if I need to later change a typical light fixture’s IES file, I have to click through each one individually. Is there a way to batch-change a lot of light settings?

For example, in the screenshot, I have to select the light fixture, then select the point light itself then make any changes. When I have hundreds of lights in a scene, this is not efficient.

Well right after I posted this, I found I can select multiple lights in a scene, and then choose “Edit components in property Matrix,” which seems to do what I’m looking for. Unless someone else has a better approach of course.

That sounds the best for now, unless you want something more complex, like importing ies textures and assigning them to your lights.

Alternatively, you could create an utility widget, it opens a lot of possibilities of customization. But yes, if the intent is only to check a box, property matrix is the way to go

Consider using a “Dataprep” asset
You can add it via the content browser and it adds a ton of custom import options for Datasmith