Hello. I’m just trying to import a datasmith scene from twinmotion. Just a bunch of animated people. But the import is empty, just the background and the floor. I see the objects in the outliner as blue prints, but in the scene there is nothing at all.
I have this error. thank you
LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class None./TwinmotionToUnrealContent/Library/Characters/SpawnAnimatedObject’
LogActorComponent: UnregisterComponent: (/Game/Scena_Esterni.Scena_Esterni:PersistentLevel.DecalActor_2.NewDecalComponent) Not registered. Aborting.
LogStaticMesh: Display: Waiting for static meshes to be ready 0/1 (/Game/Twinmotion/11/Geometries/Starting_Ground) …
LogActor: Warning: PaloPiccolo_C /Game/Scena_Esterni.Scena_Esterni:PersistentLevel.PaloPiccolo_C_1_GEN_VARIABLE_PaloPiccolo_C_CAT_0 has natively added scene component(s), but none of them were set as the actor’s RootComponent - picking one arbitrarily
DatasmithImport: Error: Cannot find Class /TwinmotionToUnrealContent/Library/Characters/SpawnAnimatedObject to spawn actor 3777C5164633DF46D9C8E7AD97C81006. An empty actor will be spawned instead.
DatasmithImport: Error: Cannot find Class /TwinmotionToUnrealContent/Library/Characters/SpawnAnimatedObject to spawn actor 38BBB7744E4DD214445E6297D86630E6. An empty actor will be spawned instead.
DatasmithImport: Error: Cannot find Class /TwinmotionToUnrealContent/Library/Characters/SpawnAnimatedObject to spawn actor 2EE863A342A522AA4C8CEEA7E89AA5C7. An empty actor will be spawned instead.
DatasmithImport: Error: Cannot find Class /TwinmotionToUnrealContent/Library/Characters/SpawnAnimatedObject to spawn actor 2B0B83E14AF4F90922FF5A829696B058. An empty actor will be spawned instead.