Great to see a constantly improving pipeline to import models from 3dsMax!
Can we expect support of RedShift Materials (from RedShift Renderer) anytime (soon)?
Great to see a constantly improving pipeline to import models from 3dsMax!
Can we expect support of RedShift Materials (from RedShift Renderer) anytime (soon)?
I’d like to know this as well
Would like to know if there is any plan to support Redshift materials in the near future.
How come no one has replied to this post in the last 2 years lol? I’m testing out Datasmith with 3Ds Max and Redshift, and it seems that materials don’t import at all. Material IDs are fine, but no materials, or texture maps through Datasmith. Any updates on the subject?
Redshift is pbr so supporting at least those basic shouldn’t be a big effort anymore (in 4.21 we created a general system that help us adding new shaders)
i will check with the team what we can do !
Just a +1 on RedShift. For example I use a live link plugin from Substance to Redshift in C4D, It’d be cool for the new C4D compatibility to be able to read RedShift C4D materials too, as very few people use standard C4D materials these days.
I also would like to see RS/C4D Material support for the same reasons as above. It would be great if the new C4D file read with Melange could translate a basic RS PBR shader for a Painter workflow.
+1… I would love to see support for Redshift
hi, i use datasmith for my projects. datasmith converts vray and corona very well. specially corona conversion is perfect in many terms. i would suggest to use vray material converter link - by this converter u convert redshift to vray and then try exporting. might be work.
I realize I’m late to the game here, but curious as well converting from RS to Unreal. I’ve been a C4D user for 20 years, now FINALLY getting into Unreal for film and currently use RS. Would love to have my shaders translate over to Unreal. Any plans for this?
Can we please have redshift support for datasmith !!!
Please add Redshift support for datasmith!!! I work in C4D.
out whole office wants to add UE to our c4d+RS workflow, but relly need that RS mat support in datasmith/cineware!
Hello EpicGames, is it coming??