I have a Datasmith file loaded in by file import. I’ve changed and mapped materials in UE5 but when I re-import said Datasmith file, all materials get reset to their Revit default, however they retain their UV mapping.
Any solutions for this? The geometry is obviously retainling some level of override with the mapping, but the materials wont retain no matter what I do.
This seems to be a problem with some of the Datasmith plugins. Sketchup, which is what I use has the same issue. If the geometry changes, or is renamed etc, then UE5 sees it as a different object and reimports the base material from Revit. Back in UE4.19/4.20, or around then, when Datasmith was newish the import process seemed to leave any assigned UE materials as is, but that changed after an update.
The best way to mitigate this issue is to use Dataprep instead of a direct datasmith import from Revit. Using Dataprep you can add a material substitution data table and populate that with the material names from Revit and assign corresponding UE5 Materials that will apply when executed in Dataprep. It is an additional couple of steps, but by far the best way to ensure the scene is updated correctly every time.