Mostly title, was wondering if there are plans for the Datasmith Plugin to be available for the Archicad 28 Technology Preview. Started some projects in the 28 preview without thinking my trusty plugin would be absent. If the Datasmith would be available for 28 Technology Preview, would it be ready for the full release of 28 in October?
So, we are using the official version of archicad 28 for some time now and wondering why is it always so hard to get the plugin to work within newer versions. Not being sarcastic or mean, I tryly would like to know.
The problem is with those who created the software, it is not complicated to integrate older versions of Twinmotion. The code and writing is the same, I don’t see what the problem is. It is clear that it is not normal for Archicad users not to have the minimum option to export to older versions.
is there ever going to be a datasmith for archicad 28? is it already availalbe? I can not find the plug-in available for anything except 23-27. We are going on 3+ months of AC28, and can not render anything… is epic/twinmotion just ignoring this until we all switch to lumion or something?
Hi, I am struggling so much already 3 month to update all my TW file’s converting AC28 files to AC27, so then can use data smith for AC27. So frustrating to go over this process all the time. How is possible that TW guys does not care for delays of Plug-ins for AC28? This is really surreal and amazing, really looking forward to get datasmith plug in for AC28 earlier as possible to start working fluidly without going back in process all the time… merry Christmas to all
so the official version of AC28 has been out, and even has an update… waiting on this plug-in every year is really becoming a hindrance to rendering effectively.
Graphisoft is really good about providing an open book for developers; any reason the plug-ins aren’t in development as the new versions of the BIM authoring tools are being worked out? or do we just have to expect to always be one version back on our architecture tools if we expect to use the datasmith plug-in. At this rate, it looks like we’ll be closer to having AC29 before we have a datasmith plug-in for AC28
Why does it take so long every time to update this. It is frustrating and keeping or entire office from switching to AC28. Sure there are workarounds for this, but it is cumbersome and time consuming. I would have expected more from two big companies, but alas, we are stuck - again.
Hello everybody!, Is there an estimated release date for the Archicad 28 Datasmith plugin? A rough estimate would be nice, we use that to plan when to upgrade Archicad at our office and we can only do that once all plugins we use are available, it’s also quite a task as we have to make sure it’s done smoothly.
While I too await with anticipation for the new ArchiCAD 28 plugin for Twinmotion, I have found that saving the 3D view in ArchiCAD 28 to a SketchUP (skp) file works just as well. Way less painful than having to save back to ArchiCAD 27 or not move to ArchiCAD 28. Any changes to the model just save to the same skp file and then refresh the model in Twinmotion to update the geometry. Has worked well for me on some pretty big models, and has let me use the new features in ArchiCAD 28.
“If you cannot wait for Twinmotions Archicad 28 Datasmiths update.”
Archicad 28 gives you the option to convert your 28 version to 27.
First, copy your Archicad version 28. Using your copied Archicad 28 version, open it in Archicad 28, save it as Archicad 27, then open it in Archicad 27.