This is in Unreal engine 5
I have been trying to export my map but, I keep on getting the same error with all the Datasmith data: These are just some examples:
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] G:\Unreal\earth 5.0\Content\XWING_UNREAL\Geometries\ON_Brep_956.uasset: Failed to load ‘/Script/DatasmithCoreTechParametricSurfaceData’: Can’t find file.
Error: /Script/DatasmithCoreTechParametricSurfaceData : [AssetLog] G:\Unreal\earth 5.0\Content\ArcticAviation.umap: Failed to load ‘/Script/DatasmithCoreTechParametricSurfaceData’: Can’t find file. /Script/DatasmithCoreTechParametricSurfaceData
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/DatasmithCoreTechParametricSurfaceData’: Can’t find file.
Not sure if it’s the error that crashes the whole build but every asset that was imported using datasmith has the same error.
Have anyone solved this kind of issue? I have seen some of these questions online but not many solutions.