DataSmith not working with UE5

I have UE5 and I’ve seletected Datasmith Importer plugin in Edit → Plugins, then restarted the UE5.

I cannot see Datasmith import button in IDE and when I try to drag-and-drop datasmith file into content I gets error about unrecognized file format.

It’s all despite it being clearly on list of enabled plugins (and I don’t really have any other custom plugins that could have make collision, I guess):

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Hi FeyDreamers,

The Datasmith Scene files need to be imported from this menu :

In a future release of the engine the Datasmith importer will be unified and you will be able to drag n’drop.

Hope this helps !



Thank you! For some reason, I’ve missed this menu.

Thank you Antoine_Guillo ! This helps !!!

i dont know why, i already installed the plugin but it doest show anywhere on UE5.1.

Are “Datasmith Content” and “Datasmith importer” plugins enabled?

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