Datasmith not importing meshes from Revit in Unreal 5.1.1

Hello. I’m attempting to filter out certain kinds of Revit categories when importing a scene with Datasmith. I’m following the quite-nice instructions at Customizing the Datasmith Import Process in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation. (Caveat: I’ve never done this before.)

Here is my script:

import unreal

ds_file_on_disk = "C:\\Users\\coryb\\Documents\\Unreal Projects\\Ingestor\\DatasmithFiles\\racbasicsampleproject-3DView-From_Yard.udatasmith"

ds_scene_in_memory = unreal.DatasmithSceneElement.construct_datasmith_scene_from_file(ds_file_on_disk)

mesh_actors = ds_scene_in_memory.get_all_mesh_actors()
print("Num mesh_actors:")

The output is 0 meshes. I’ve tried with two datasmith files from two different Revit projects. One of these projects is the canonical example “rac_basic_sample_project.rvt” file.

Both Datasmith files work great when I use the UI “Datasmith → File Import…”

Win 10, Unreal 5.1.1-23901901+++UE5+Release-5.1, Revit exporter version “Last updated 2/7/2023”

Between the construct_datasmith_scene_from_file and the get_all_mesh_actors() do a

Excellent, that worked. Thank you for the quick, accurate help.

Perhaps I missed this when running the script previous, but at present the call to translate_scene() files off long list of “LogDatasmith: Warning: Missing actor referenced in metadata” errors. Should this be of concern?


I think those warnings do matter. In this script, if I uncomment the call to translate_scene, then Unreal will invariably crash:

import unreal
ds_file_on_disk = "E:\\Projects\\UrsaLeo\\RevitIngestor\\DataSmithFiles\\racbasicsampleproject-3DView-Approach.udatasmith"
ds_scene_in_memory = unreal.DatasmithSceneElement.construct_datasmith_scene_from_file(ds_file_on_disk)
mesh_actors = ds_scene_in_memory.get_all_mesh_actors()
key_name = "name"
objects_and_values = ds_scene_in_memory.get_all_objects_and_values_for_key(key_name, unreal.DatasmithMeshActorElement)

I don’t think the example usage script to obtain metadata on this page is working in Unreal 5.1: Using Datasmith Metadata in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

I did some tests on 5.1.1 and it is working for me.
No crash and I get some objects from the get_all_objects_and_values_for_key function.

What is your log file of the crash, can you share your udatasmith file and attached udsmesh.

import unreal

ds_file_on_disk = "D:\\projectPS\\Data\\Udatasmith\\rac_basic_sample_project-3DView-{3D}.udatasmith"
ds_scene_in_memory = unreal.DatasmithSceneElement.construct_datasmith_scene_from_file(ds_file_on_disk)
mesh_actors = ds_scene_in_memory.get_all_mesh_actors()

#print("## meshs actors labels")
#for a in mesh_actors:
#    print(a.get_label())

key_name = "Element_Type"

print("## metadata strings")
does,strings = ds_scene_in_memory.get_all_objects_and_values_for_key(key_name, unreal.DatasmithMeshActorElement)
for s in strings:

I did some tests on 5.1.1 and it is working for me.

Interesting. I’ve tried it across two projects and still get a crash 100% of the time. I’m now running your script directly (except of course for the path to the .udatasmith file).

What is your log file of the crash

I’ve attached it here: Test20230313.log (323.0 KB)

can you share your udatasmith file and attached udsmesh

No problem: (10.6 MB)

The in-editor summary does show that an assertion fails at line 1082 of SharedPointer.h:

Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\SharedPointer.h] [Line: 1082]

Thanks a ton for the assistance.

I could reproduce. I will create a ticket as it should not crash, thank you for reporting.
Will also see if someone as an idea what could make the export not to be so complete.


If relevant, I don’t think I mentioned that I created the .udatasmith file with Revit 2023.

Thank you, I saw that information in the .udatasmith file.