Datasmith import formats

I am working with Datasmith in order to load a BIM model in runtime.

I know that for now, it only supports the udatasmith format as well as GLTF, but , my first question is if there are going to be support for IFC format.

In my company we need to get all the metadata from the BIM model, and datasmith format is working great for that, but this format has other issues:

We need to see HVAC Zones and Spaces that our model has defined from Revit. But Datasmith is not importing those kind of entities. My question here is if there are any way to import those objects and see them when importing a model in runtime ?

Because if I use IFC format, I can see Zones and Spaces defined in Revit, but the IFC format requires to work in Editor and it makes an asset. We need to import later from the build, in runtime.


We are adding formats to be supported at runtime but there are no time frame for IFC.

For now your solution to import in editor and prepare asset for runtime is the way to go.

A colleague mentioned you could also try to bake to mesh with Dynamo and export that result:

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Hey AlvaroArranzCity !

Here’s a temporary method using DynamoBIM until we support generating and exporting spaces as volumes/geometry :

This graph will generate your Spaces as StaticMesh actors, and will also support a custom name, material and metadata (including the category set in Dynamo).

Hope this helps !



Thank you very much Antoine, we are trying this approach.