Datasmith Direct Link does not work in shipping build

Hi guys. The datasmith direct link does not work in UE5.0.3 in shipping build. Is it expected or it is a bug?
Please note that the same code works in editor and in development build too, but fails to do so in a shipping build. In the dev build and in editor, I can see the list of sources and can connect to an external 3D software (sketchup pro), but this list is empty in case of a shipping build. Is it expected, do I have to enable some additional settings to make it work, or it is a bug?

Thank you

Try running your application with the “-messaging” as a parameter?
Run it through a command line to add it, or you can also do a shortcut and add the “-messaging” after the path to your exe in the properties of the shortcut.

I have tried it, but no luck. I also added in build.cs, but still not working: PublicDefinitions.Add(“ALLOW_UDP_MESSAGING_SHIPPING=1”);

It is a launcher version of the engine. Am I supposed to use a source version to make it work?

HI @Bencsizy , facing the same issue in UE5, did you manage to solve this ?

Hi @alapacharya ,
Unfortunately, no. Still waiting for a response from the devs. Also curious if it works with the new interchange pipeline or not, but no input from them since then…

@Bencsizy Did you manage to solve it?


I’m waiting for input from @UE_FlavienP

I also have this problem. In Development build the “-messaging” within a command line call works fine.

As I dont want to use a shortcut, is there a was to get this to work without the command line. Like building it with this already enabled?
I have found the “Enable by Default” setting in Project settings under UDP Messaging. But enabling this changes nothing.

This setting also mentions the ALLOW_UDP_MESSAGING_SHIPPING which I tried in a shipping build. As mentioned above by Bencsizy it still does not work.