Datasmith/Dataprep Compact Actors - Access to materials

Hello, there is one good UX decision you made when importing Revit through Datasmith. You put Railing pieces inside one Actor. This prevents outliner from being flooded with thousands of pieces.

1. Dataprep module

Can we please have the Dataprep module doing exactly the same for objects we filter?
Sometimes I import railings created in Rhino, and I want to have a compact outliner. I don’t want to merge meshes, of course, I just want to put a list of geometries inside one Actor.

2. Quick selection of assets with given material applied

Putting geometries inside one Actor has at least one major flaw. When I want to select all meshes using given Material and just swap it with a different material. Unreal is selecting Actors from where I don’t have direct UI access to inside meshes materials. I must manually select inside geometries to have access to the material properties. I wanted to mention that a long time ago and it’s more about how the Unreal interface works. Do you know any other shortcut that I can select all assets but not Actors?

There is no direct access to materials used inside this Railing Actor

In case of the walls, they are Static Mesh Actors and it’s far easier to access all materials used inside them

Video may show it best because it’s difficult for me to describe it. Please let me know if my questions are clear.