When i export a datasmith file from 3ds max to ue and create a sequence in ue, the field of view is different you can see in the image. Datasmith import camera animation and everything correctly but not the fov.
Why the same camera behave differently in 3ds and UE ?
I can change the current focal length of the UE camera so that the “Current Horizontal FOV” of the UE can match the “FOV” of 3ds max to have the fov almost same. but it can not be matched perfectly due to lots of decimal point so the cg layer will slide in after effects. i think all the camera properties should be automatically matched by datasmith including the field of view.
I tried in UE4.26, UE4.27 and UE5. Same problem
My workflow in UE:
- Import datasmith file in UE
- It automatically place everything imported on the scene
- I create a new sequence
- add new “camera cut track” and assign the camera (imported through datasmith)
- add new “shot track” and assign the sequence (imported through datasmith)
what am i doing wrong ?
please help, i am new to the UE world
Thands in advance.