Datasmith CAD tesselation in Unreal 5

When using the Datasmith CAD importer in Unreal 5.02 and 5.00 the max edge length setting does not seem to have any effect at all on tesselation. It works fine in unreal 4.62.

Seems to be a bug?

we changed the underlying tessellation tool in 5.0 and for upcoming versions.
The max edge length has been deactivated until we are satisfied with the results.

We will add an alternative tessellator in 5.1 that will be able to take into account max edge length.
So we plan to “grey” the option in the UI of the default tessellator until the feature is added and make it editable only for the alternative tessellator.

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OK, thanks for the explanation!
I use the Max edge length option quite often to limit long triangles. I guess I’ll just use 2.26 for Datasmith tesselation for now.