Hi there, I’m having this issue in this and older UE4 versions as well.
I’m working with 3ds max instances in order to have one single mesh (instanced) in UE4, so i can have better performance. I’m doing a library with lot of repeating furniture (just 4/5 different models scattered) and thousands of books (repeated too), so it’s very important that each asset is drawn just once in UE4.
I read this in the reference:
“When Datasmith detects multiple instances of the same master object in your 3ds Max scene, it only creates one Static Mesh Asset for that object. It then places multiple instances of that Static Mesh into the Level in Unreal. This is typically better for the runtime memory requirements and performance of your Project, and it helps you manage your content by keeping the number of Static Meshes down.
Wherever possible, we recommend taking advantage of this by using instances in 3ds Max for all repeating elements in your scene (such as windows, doors, or chairs)”.
But the fact is that this is not working and i have lots of copies of the same mesh in the map, the same for the textures, which makes the project useless in terms of performance.
I hope you can help me with this as soon as possible. I don’t know if there’s a bug (don’t think so), or I’m doing anything wrong.
Thanks in advance.