Apologies if this is posted in the incorrect forum.
In 4.27, I had a Dataprep operation that would select an actor by its name and spawn a specific Blueprint using the Spawn Actors at Location node. I’m redoing this Dataprep inside 5.2 and the Node will not accept any asset I try to assign to it. The documentation doesn’t appear to be different, but has the way this node worked previously been changed?
This still seems to be an issue in 5.4. I’m not able to select any actor to be spawned within a Visual Dataprep operation. Has anyone found a solution?
It is a bug we are tracking.
While we wait for a fix, the asset does not show in the UI but should be selected and the execute function should work.
At least it work on several tests I have done.
Let us know if that is still not working.