DataPrep plugin

We were using data prep editor puglin to prepare our datasmith models for use in unreal.

Due to a bug in our build.cs scripts i had to temporary disable the plugin when in a hurry to do a build and later on when I enabled it, the editor for data prep assets no longer works.

It says no consumer found and I cannot add any new files to import when i click the plus button at the top right.

Does anybody have the same issue or know how to fix this.

I disabled the dataprep plugin multiple times and cleaned my solution and deleted binaries and intermediate folders and re-ran unreal and enabled plugins again but it doesn’t work.

You probably deactivated some of the other datasmith plugins.

Basically you do not have any plugins that are activated to read a file format supported by Dataprep:

  • Datasmith importer: udatasmith files
  • Datasmith CAD importer: CAD files
  • Datasmith FBX importer: for VRED/DG FBX files

Just go back in your plugins and activate the one(s) you need for your import.

Fixed the problem myself. In my tries to fix my build i disabled DataSmithImporter and forgot to re-enable it and that causedthis to happen.

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